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CODELOCKS CL5020 Battery Operated Digital Lock With Mortice Sash lock

£386.84 Including VAT

1 in stock

The Codelocks CL5020 battery operated digital lock with euro profile mortice sashlock is a heavy duty lock for use in high traffic applications, particularly suitable for use in health, educational, commercial and residential environments. Once the deadbolt is thrown it denies access to code users and comes supplied with a euro profile cylinder and three keys; a code free option can also be programmed via the keypad. Clean by Codelocks is an optional finish available to special order on many Codelock products. The clear coating combats SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) and can reduce bacterial growth by 99.96%*, providing an additional measure of protection over sanitisation. Clean by Codelocks features an ISO certified photocatalytic coating which offers enhanced protection against viruses, bacteria, germs and other environmental toxins. For full details please view the data sheet in the associated documents or to order please contact our Specials Department.



Key override and front cylinder change

Suitable for wooden doors between 35mm - 60mm thick

User Codes 4, 5 or 6 digits long

Suitable for internal and external use

Locked and unlocked LED indicator option

To achieve the fire rating these digital locks must be fitted with the appropriate intumescent pack, please see associated products